Fantasic Four Sheng Yuan's in Da house!! Now we can compare them with Decool's (link)
As usual, Lego minifigure set by Sheng Yuan normally come in set of 8. So they are: Mr Fantastic, Human Torch (human look), Invisible Woman, Thing, flaming red Human Torch, Pyro (thank guys for the update in comment below), Silver Surfer and Dr. Doom.
No brochure/catalogue or game cards come with the lego bricks.
The line up:
Closer look front and rear view:
Some of my friends wanna have this flaming red Human Torch just for the hairpiece. They wanna use it to make Ghost Rider minifigure. I'm not that creative. I try to use it on lego figure with evil skull head but i don't have suitable lego bike for him.. hence he look just some guy with his hair set on fire lol..
Found this moc'ed bike on taobao that will match ghost rider figure:
source: google/taobao |
As for Silver Surfer figure, i wish he come with chrome silver instead metallic silver but nah, that's too good to be true. I bet it's expensive to produce the whole figure in chrome silver.
When i bought these set of 8, i'm only excited (my expectation) to have the flaming transparent-red/orangish human torch, silver surfer and The Thing.. but Mr.Fantastic got my attention. He has longer leg and arm (same mould with Sheriff Woody as you can see from pic below)
Okay, now let's compare them with Decool's figure. For these comparison, i'll have Sheng Yuan on the right and Decool on the left.
I love SY's hair piece very much!
Left - Decool, Right - SY |
It's the same with the one he has in video games:
source: google |
Since Lego hasn't issue any Fantastic Four Lego set/minifigure, the closest we can compare is with Fantastic Four character in Lego video games. IMHO, I love SY's figure more. (1) Look at the bold line on the leg, it's the same with the one in video games. (2) Decool has more detail belt design (with small buckle) but all the character in the video games has as plain bold line. (3) Decool figure also come with dual sided face but SY only one sided face.
source: google |
For Dr.Doom; original Lego is on the right, SY's in the middle and Decool on the left. I don't take the hood off because all figure don't have dual sided face. Both front and rear torso has same design with original lego. However, for the first time i think SY has better cape than Decool. Look at how thin Decool's cape.
Last but not least.. Thing!
Which one do you prefer? I love the colour tone of SY's Thing, with more visible scar/mark but Decool's Thing has better pants, with Fantastic 4 logo on his belt. The head piece also is totally different. Decool's head piece is fixed to the body but SY's is adjustable. SY's Thing has the same build with SY's big hulk in their Avengers set. (link)
[update@July 27th, 2015]
I can't believe there is still an update to this post after 9 months. Thanks to @Daryl Williams for this information. According to him, The Thing from the latest SY batch (close to the date of this update) has very important improvement. take a guess >_<. The F4 logo at his belt!
This picture has been sent by him:
Thank you for taking the time to take photo and provide this information to me. I am sure many will appreciate this update :) Thanksss :)
[end of update]
..and this is screenshot of The Thing in lego game.
source: google |
Decool's Thing has closer look to the one in Lego videogame right? However, with SY's figure, you can have Thing turn his head to left/right like this =p
I'll keep both to my collection anyway =p
Lil'update@29/11/2014: since The Thing head is removable, you may swap the head with other character. Found one fella in my local facebook group share this photo of his. (i've already obtained permission from him, @fallenkia) to upload some of his photos.