Sunday, 7 February 2016

LEPIN #05003 LEGO Star Wars First Order Transporter

My first LEPIN's STAR WNRS set. I'm sure it should be written or read as Star Wars. As usual these China brand change the label on the box to show slight variations despite the fact that it is the same thing inside. It's 100% imitation of LEGO #75103. 

The original LEGO set will cost you $89.99 (RM374 direct conversion) or RM449.90 official price in Malaysia.  I got  this imitation at 22% of the price of the original LEGO. That is RM100 ($24) from local shop. You may get it from Aliexpress at $25 (without box) or $36 (with box). Ugh.. enough with numbers. I've worked with them 5 days a week from 8am to 5pm. haha. let's focus on the content, shall we?

The images on the box is the same as LEGO. Only "STAR WARS" label was changed to STAR WNRS. Different pieces count (LEPIN's 845 pcs vs LEGO 792 pcs) are also possible because of  extra weapons/parts that has been given. Forgive me because I will not count them one by one. It will take a long time if I want to do that. (^_^)"

They even change the word "LEGO" in this logo to their name ahaha. Please don't waste your time to google about it. I did and it doesn't exist.

This is how you will get them with the box:

14 bags of LEGO parts, 5 set of weapons still attached to the rack and an instructions booklet:

The box is huge (Dimensions: 33cm x 53.5cm x 5.5cm) but the actual weight (1.30 kg) is not much different from its volumetric weight (1.6kg).

..and the nightmare began. unless you like to live dangerously (please imagine austin power's meme) here. lol. I remembered there was instructions in LEGO booklet not to rip open all the bags and mix all the pieces together but with these knock off set, you have no choice but to pass this dangerous path. (^_^)"

Copy of same sticker as LEGO.

The easiest step: start with the minifigures ahaha

Here are some in progress pictures:

Assembled set:

Side, front and rear view of the transporter:

If viewed from the bottom side, you can see the technic mechanism where you can turn the gear to lower the ramp. Come with four transparent wheels to make it easy to hover the transporter back and forth.

Top section can be removed for easy access the interior:

Spacious bay for the troopers. You also may clipped a few weapons/accessories to the walls.

Standby..and action!

Parts where the sticker was applied:

You can send a minifigure bursting through a hatch to operate the top-mounted turret by twisting a piece on the side of the model.

Here's the pilot cabin with opening hatch.

You may slide the base in/out to fit the pilot.

Just like the original LEGO set, you will get one extra spring shooter dart and handful of stud for the ammo. Unfortunately one of the spring shooter can't hold the ammo :( but you can still manually launch them 3-4 meters ahead (^_^)".

Here's my 2nd -ve point on this set: LEPIN has made a mistake with these two types of parts. I received 5x 87087 but only 6x 6541 :(. This set should require only 1x 87087 and 8x 6541. 

source: bricklink

So i need to find extra 2x 6541 to fix one of the engine.

Weapons for the minifigures:

Minifigures in this set: LEGO Captain Phasma, 2x LEGO First Order Flametroopers, 2x LEGO First Order Stormtroopers and Male and Female LEGO Resistance Soldiers.

I personally think that the print on the torso is great but they have very bad hair piece for the female (it should be slicked back ponytail) and very ugly helmet for the troopers and Capt.Phasma :(. Need to import a few troopers from Doll's D120OK 1047 or Dargo 867.

Conclusion: I am hugely impressed by this imitation, especially since it came from a newcomer. It was such a pleasure to build too.  There's no sharp edges on the parts and every pieces fit perfectly.  I repeat.. perfectly! It's been a while since I had a feeling like this.

This is how the transporter looks like after i left it with my kids to play. The transporter still intact, one piece! The top section is designed to be easy to open thus it is not to wonder.

The moving parts also smooth and precise, i have no problem pulling the gear to lower the ramp even after repeated and quite violent attempt (^_^)". I'm just grateful that the missing parts in this set is easy to find but i don't deny that I have little doubt that their other set will also face the same problem (missing pieces) like this. Now I know the advantages of LEPIN compared to other competitor is on the quality of the LEGO parts but they really need to improve on the minifigures to make them unbeatable.

[update on Feb 26th, 2016]
comparison of stormtrooper from all 4 brands. 

for reference: LEGO figure from Bricklink :p


  1. Mk 1 nxt pls pls!

  2. Do you have side by side picture comparison for the troopers from Lepin and original lego and other brands? No pressure, just interested to see how nice Lepin imitated the original ones

    1. ah i'm sorry i don't have the original LEGO figure...

    2. If you don't mind, here's pic of them side by side that i crop using photoshop

  3. Please review LEPIN Poe's X-Wing Fighter

    1. Hi @Anonymous, i will get Poe's X-wing and MF next week :D.

  4. Wow nice review and lots of awesome photos.

    When you say hugely impressed by Lepin's brick quality, its a great endorsement considering the amount of bootleg stuff you've seen. I will give Lepin a good look when I'm out shopping.

    What about colour? We get lots of dark and light bluish gray from this set. Could you kindly compare them to Lego colours? I will be so grateful.

    1. Hi @apodistagon. for me, main turnoff point for Lepin's set is the minifigures. they are quite bad actually

      but the brick quality is great. it's been a while I didn't feel the satisfaction assembling knock-off set like this. This plus point make me forgot about their minifigures. furthermore you can replace these minifigures from other brands at very cheap price too

    2. oh forgot to mention about the color. i think Lepin did really great. I took a few original LEGO plate (both dark and light bluish grey) and compare it to parts of the transporter. In my opinion, the color is the same as the original LEGO parts. Transparent parts in this Lepin also look clearer compared to other brand

    3. Wow this is probably a first.

      Nearly all bootleg I bought don't exactly match Lego colour.

  5. Well I'll be... I thought they'd be half-@ssed at best. I'm happy to be wrong for once ;)

    Speaking of boxes/not boxes - Would you say that it's worth not getting boxes when shopping at Aliexpress? I recently bought the Jurassic World big dinos and recieved a legpiece wrong (got two of the right leg for one of them -_-). I contacted the seller and they're sending me the correct bit, so it's fine. But I've got some sets coming in the mail (SY hulkbuster suit set, Bruce banner mech, among others) and now I'm getting worried that I'll have missing/wrong pieces...

    So yeah - Boxes or no boxes? Is the quality/quantity of the bricks better when you buy with boxes?

    1. I think if buying without box makes it cheaper for you, and you're not really interested in keeping the box, then buy the one without a box. For local stores where I buy and i think the author here buys from local stores too, so it's a little bit different from online. I see the store people in my stores receive their shipments in two- one big box for the bags of lego themselves and one big box for the packaging boxes, and the store itself simply transfers the goods into the packaging boxes, making wrong plastic bags the store's fault (sometimes, okay) instead of the supplier/brand. Hope this helps, I just woke up and not sure how to properly explain it haha

    2. But box increase the price a lot - it's additional weight and volume, besides the box itself isn't free.
      Example. I've ordered DLP set of 8 minifigs for 7.20$ without box. With box version costs 16.20$. If I have wrong minifigs I would better order one more set and even few bucks will be left, than ordering boxed version from the beginning.
      Btw there are different issues with wrong parts. It can be a packer(seller) mistake or factory mistake. I've met several factory mistakes, for example minifigure has 2 right legs inside the plastic bag - it was clearly a factory mistake.
      I order from Ali too and tried different sellers until I found quick and accurate ones.

    3. Oh, lengthy replies from the both of ya! Thanks :)

      You both bring up some very good points here. I guess there's just no reason to worry.
      I mean first and foremost - This particular market we're talking about is perhaps not the most quality-driven one. So you're getting what you pay for sometimes!
      If you happen to get some faulty product you can maybe get it exchanged or just buy more and still save money as opposed to getting a boxed set which may be faulty anyway!

      Oh and DownTheBlocks - You're excused, mondays are not good for anyone. Tuesdays are my nemesis though and I feel one creeping up on me O_0

  6. I'm sure to get this set after my kylo ren command shuttle completed.

    1. whatt.... I'm sure you have finished assembling it by now. so how is it???

  7. Another brand Lepin! The more the merrier! I hope this new brands level up the quality of their products & their originality (bring out more characters that lego don't have & don't be redundant). - Jpoks

    1. hi Jpoks :). yeah the more the merrier... at least we have several options to choose from. and maybe.. just maybe.. these brands will improve themselves to compete with each other... which will benefit us. heheh

  8. which shop did u get it from in malaysia?

    1. Hi @Anonymous. you can get them at GM Plaza (Chow Kit road) or GM Klang.

    2. Hi can i know which shop u r going in GM plaza chow kit road?

  9. I have to say that I have purchesed/built the First Order Tie, Poe's X-Wing, Kylo's Shuttle, and a few of the "figure" type of sets like Jango Fett 75107 and Darth Vader 75111. I own the real Lego and the "Lepin" versions of these sets. They are quite good. The only real pieces that felt inferior to Lego were the 4556158 (hook and latch pieces) and on the figures at the top of legs 6106472.

    1. Thanks for sharing. I'm so pleased to hear this as I am interested to buy some Lepin sets.

      How does Lepin's brick colours compare to Lego?

    2. @apodistagon - pretty good actually. I can vaguely tell by the sheen that they are a bit different but only noticeable if you actually have them side by side. time will tell if they fade quicker/different (i hope not). I included my username @ brickshelf. All the photos there are old but if anyone would like I could post photos there.


    4. Thank you stackerman.

    5. Hi @stackerman. i'm sooooo grateful with these info. i only assembled The Transporter for now, (Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle still in progress) and probably X-wing and MF next week.

      I agree with you about the color. I also feel the transparent part in Lepin's set is the best from other brand.

      anyway, i clicked on the link but couldn't find any pics in FirstOrderTie folder. where should i find pics that you mentioned?

  10. just wanted to your site and your comprehensive reviews. hope you don't mind...I shared this article on my page at

    1. hi there! wow, i'm very happy to find your fb page. You did a great review on those set :). a lot of nice pictures too :) i really enjoy reading it :)

    2. Thanks. I love to share your reviews on there... I keep mine short and sweet, but actually I wish I had the patience to make a full review like you. =)

  11. So in conclusion, LEPIN mad good bootleg Star Wnrs ships? :D Is it better than Bela ? What do you think of the quality compared to SY or Decool?

    1. No offence, but tell me, did you try to read the review?

      Citing it for you:
      "Conclusion: I am hugely impressed by this imitation, especially since it came from a newcomer. It was such a pleasure to build too. There's no sharp edges on the parts and every pieces fit perfectly. I repeat.. perfectly! It's been a while since I had a feeling like this."

      "The moving parts also smooth and precise, i have no problem pulling the gear to lower the ramp even after repeated and quite violent attempt (^_^)". I'm just grateful that the missing parts in this set is easy to find but i don't deny that I have little doubt that their other set will also face the same problem (missing pieces) like this. Now I know the advantages of LEPIN compared to other competitor is on the quality of the LEGO parts but they really need to improve on the minifigures to make them unbeatable."

    2. I'm asking the writer of this blog of the comparison between the available bootleg legos out there. Don't have to be so catty about it, Batsy.

    3. Comparsion of bootlegs has meaning when you compare concrete models, for example certain lego ripoff made by different manufacturers. Transporter was copied obly by Lepin so far, so there's nothing to compare with (except original Lego ofc).
      If you mean comparing in general, it's meaningless as quality of the same manufacturer differs from set to set, sometimes a lot. For example, Dargo Force Awakens minifigs had issues with droids printing (you can find a review), though previous superhero set they issued was very good in all aspects.

      I have nothing against you, dude, but put yourself in Legostore.My place. How is he supposed to answer your abstract question? Better save him some time for more reviews.

      It is clearly written that Lepin has almost Lego quality. None of bootleggers was praised so high recently.

  12. Poe's xwing set next pls!! My local toy store is opening a preorder run for that set.. :F

    1. Hi @joe. i i will get them together with MF next week :). currently assembling Kylo Ren's shuttle. i hope i can finish assembling it soon

  13. Mk 1 to review next please. It looks interesting to build.

    1. already assembled Mk1 and both batman and superman. but the pictures still in my harddisk (^_^)".

  14. I found the minifigures face printing a little off tho.

    1. Hi @Anonymous. I agree with you. the helmet/face print is quite bad actually

      bigger pic:

      but still.. their brick quality is superb. we just need to replace the minifigures from other brand to make it close to perfect. aahaha

    2. Could you add DARGO to this FO storm trooper comparation?

    3. I hope you are still keen to see the comparison :)

      bigger pic in my post above :)

  15. @joe - I have both the Lepin and Lego Poe's Xwing sets. I built the Lepin version and I told my son he could build the Lego version - probably this weekend. I posted some photos on my brickshelf link but they won't be public until moderator validates them. My email is there as well so if you email I am happy to send pics.

    My short review (not as great as this website) but here goes:
    The "sheen" isn't quite as good on the Lepin sets. Seems like Lego puts an extra clear coat on their bricks but not noticeable unless you literally have them side by side. As I said earlier in the thread, the hinges are not as tight, either. By far though my biggest complaint is the minifigure helmets. On this set they are really bad. I have the Lepin First Order Tie and they are really good so I think its just this set. Also, the Canopy glass is much clearer on the Lego set. I took side by side pics on my brickshelf so hopefully they will show there soon.

    1. Hi @stackerman. thanks for the review :). finally found the pics that you mentioned. it's in PoeXWing folder. Lepin's minifigure in the transporter also quite bad so it's agreeable that Lepin's figure is quite bad compared to others. You should see comparison of stormtrooper that I have made in previous comments.

      thanks for comparison of the canopy glass too. I don't think I will have the chances to get the original set from LEGO. so, can i use the picture in my review when i have Poe's Xwing later? Of course i'm going to put the source and credit you for it :)

    2. Of course! Please feel free to use any of those photos. I'm not looking for credit - just sharing info for everyone. And thanks - I did check in today and see the stormtrooper photos. Really shows you when you get them all side by side.

  16. Well I can confirm that the brick quality is very good! I havn't built this one yet but I have opened some of the bags and can allready feel this is a good one!

    I can (also) confirm that the LEPIN mini figs have good quality plastic and print, compared to XINH and maybe also DARGO (I'll by Doll too). What is not so good is the helmets as mentioned but worst is maybe a couple of heads (like the male rebel in this set). I fear that this "head"-problem can be found also in the LEPIN Millenium Falcon 05007 set but mine has still not arrived. Looking forward to the next LEPIN Star Wnrs review on this page to follow up on the mini figures!

    I'm also buying some extra figs to my LEPIN Star Wars sets (05002, 05003 and 05007). Actually I bought some BELA Star Wars (Rebels) sets too (10376 and 10377) and they also seem to have very good quality bricks (haven't built yet). Their mini figures (at least in the AT-DP set 10376) seems better than LEPIN. My 10377 has not showed up yet but I look forward to see the Kanan Jarus mini figure live since almost all promotional images (both LEPIN and BELA) is actually from the original LEGO sets...

    For the male and female rebels in this set, old Han Solo, Rey, Finn and one of the pirates in the Falcon set I feel that XINH have pricy and decent quality alternatives :-)

    /Gnrl Clstr

    1. @Gnrl Clstr thank you sooooo much for this comprehensive review of yours. I enjoy reading every single line of it :)

      wow, you already bought so many SW set.. and many more coming. kinda envy of you haha. hey do you have blog or flickr where you share all these collections?

    2. @Legostore My
      Thank you for the sunshine! Even though I'm kind of sporadic Your excellent page is a constant source of guidance in my travels on the clone pirate waters ;-) In large we share the same passion. You have elevated this passion to communicate with the growing numbers of our (1st) order ranks!

      I wish I had an output for my sometimes bubbling thoughts on this topic. I thought of it many times. If I would have had one, I wish it would have looked a lot like this :-) However - like this answer kind of proves - I think I'm too prolix/circumstantial/cumbersome but also divided... The strength with your in depth reports is that they're still very straight forward, follow a good and relevant layout and you have a decent phase. Not to forget - a warm and positive humor!

      I'd love to contribute with complimentary thoughts from time to time. And maybe add relevant missing sets and/or brands!

      Since the bootleggers will never send us review samples like the Danish brick producer supplies some (often excellent) YouTube channels it is (as many of us have probably experienced) very cost some over time to cover this never-ending expanding field. Also with more producers popping up every month, with "clone-clone brands" and individual brand print and plastic quality going up and down over time it is (for me using mail order AliExpress and most of the time ordering without original boxes due to saving shipping expenses) increasingly hard to keep track on the sellers actually knowing what brand they are indeed selling or (intentionally or unintentionally) market as something different from what they are actually shipping out. Hence a lot of my on line "clone brick time" is consumed to find the cheapest way to find the most urgent items. Besides my personal necessity of being cost effective... as nonprofessional brick nerd it is sometimes hard to motivate some purchases when your kids are already drowning in bricks... further stressing the need of proper selection :-) Different markets and sources to find and distribute clone bricks is also a reason why we have access to slightly different range of brands and sets…

      Therefore this page is increasingly relevant to our community. Here we could surely assist each other!

      And I'd love to help :-)

      /Gnrl Clstr

    3. Just let me know if you need some additional reviews. I built the LEPIN 05002, Star Wars FO, Snowspeeder a few days ago... and I could also review the BELA 10376, Star Wars Rebels, AT-DP walker when I get time to build it...

    4. Hi @Gnrl Clstr. Thank you for your words of understanding and encouragement.

      In the early stages of this blog, these China brand only imitate Lego minifigures. It's just 6 to 8 minifigures in one set, so I could do one or two review/week but after a while, they become bolder and imitate a larger set. ahaha. I'm not ashamed to admit that I need help. I don't have enough resources (both time and money) to cover all of the imitations. that's why I don't mind to put a link of your blog/youtube channel if there is. :).

      anyway, about the price of these stuff, I feel the price I get here quite inexpensive when compared to the outside.therefore I can not complain much about it.but time is limited. I hope I live next door to you so we can take turn assembling these stuff ahaha

    5. oh I also just made up my mind not to review Bella's Scooby Doo. :( shop near my house has begun selling those but I missed it. I consider it as signs for me to skip them.. aha... more excuse from me lol

  17. By the way... the quality of the POGO flametrooper and snow trooper is worse than XINH. Avoid!

    Eventhough the POGO quality can be discussed I can't avoid the POGO line entirely since I really like some of thier other fig designs. One example is the sand trooper that have a terrible plastic quality but I very much like the print (compared to, for example SY). For example POGO have a lot of storm trooper variants. And some simple but nice other odd heroes and villans too. Like the Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator guy. Woth checking out! Right now I'm looking forward to recieve POGOs two Boba Fett versions, a red storm trooper and five "Call of Duty" mini figs :-)

    /Gnrl Obi ONE Clstr

    1. Great info, Gnrl Clstr! I am also waiting the arrival of my Lepin Millenium Falcon and the Kylo Ren Shuttle. And I totally agree that the brick quality is really very good. On both my Poe's Xwing and FO Tie Fighter, if you open the canopies they don't rotate well and just pop off. But all other bricks are really good and certainly worth the value. Note that the canopy windows DO stay on the sets well, just don't open without simply popping off completely. Ha ha ha. I have that Schwarzennegger Terminator minifig too - great add to the collection! I was lucky and found a custom Rambo and Commando as well.

    2. Thx Stackerman! Pls upload pics of those dueds if you have the possibility :-)

    3. Sorry Gnrl. didn't check back in until today. I posted those pics on my brickshelf under the "dudes" folder. :) I also finally got around to posting pics of the Lepin First Order Tie Fighter for anyone interested. It is really good. I'm still waiting for my Lepin Rey's Speeder, Kylo's Shuttle, and Millenium Falcon so I'll try to post pics of those on my brickshelf once in and built. And if anyone read my review of Poe's Xwing Lepin version -- the stickers were really bad and basically unusable as they were cut so far off on the sheet. I bought a Lego sticker set for mine on Brickowl for US $1.15.

  18. Thank you sir for this review. I have big doubt about Lepin. But this review has assured me to buy the Lepin Star Wnrs Set. hahaha. Awesome ^___^

    1. after 14 days.. I'm still at 20% of assembling Kylo Ren's shuttle. at this stage I hesitated to buy millennium falcon (^_^)"

    2. As I remember you have 2 kids. Don't they help?

    3. ah.. not this time. (^_^)"". probably because too many instructions. they keep asking me when will it be done. ahaha. it seems not much patience that can be expected from 4 and 5 yo kids.

  19. Hi, awesome review!!! I love your blog and i can't wait for you to review the other sets you got. Have you seen the minifigs and sets of Star Wars Force Awakens from XIHN? There are all of millenium falcon minifigures, it's awesome, i didn't buy yet becouse i want to see your review, becouse after that ''Ok'' Star Wars 7 im really afraid hahahahahaha. Love your blog, See ya!

    1. Hi A! I wrote some stuff regaring the XINH SW mini figs above :-)

      Unfortunately I think XINH do not cover all figs from the Falcon (yet). As far as I know the figurine LEGO refers to as "Kanjiklub Gang Member" is (so far) only represented by LEPIN in the Clone Brick Industry... If anyone have real life experience/pics from the LEPIN Falcon figures... feel free to shar your know how :-) All up close pics of this LEPIN mini figure seem to be from LEGO mini figs... so it is very hard to tell if the print etc is of good quality.

      XINH have versions of Tasu Leech:
      But NOT of Kanjiklub Gang Member:

    2. you can see those pictures on my page for now.

  20. It was really great bumping into your blog as me and my friends planning to get a few sets (millennium falcon, kylo ren carrier, transporter and tie wing) direct from TB. As the price is way cheaper than getting locally and we are getting in bulk. At least we are rest assured that the quality of this new comer is good and the only setback is missing pieces (which buyer's feedback from CN says the same). But luckily friend informed me can get those missing pcs from Bangsar bricks store. So I'm game. Good write up again and superb pics :)

    1. @BaBy OcTopUs. it's already 2 weeks now. any update on your set? my kylo ren's shuttle is still at 20% (^_^)"

    2. Just got mine today afternoon. Started around 9pm.. till midnight I can say I'm 50% there. Overall quality really good. As you mentioned, thy really need to put more effort in their minifigs but for the price im paying no complaint of course. Took a few pics but dont think can upload here. So next week gonna order Kylo Ren Carrier and maybe your transporter too. Keep u updated bro :)

    3. [IMG][/IMG]

    4. OMaigawdddd!!!!!!!!! so you got yours dy?? so any missing pieces?

    5. I won't get mine. period. the local shop near my house told me they can't get any so I bought myself (still cheaper but without box) from aliexpress. sadly only last week they refund my money.. :(. they are not sure when new stock will arrive :((((

    6. I thought China already full swing on their production. I saw many sellers already accepting orders few weeks back. I do know that some like FO Transporter that you posted here had a delay till next April though. Planning for Death Star Final Duel set after FO Transporter now. Or should I get Poe X-Wing too .. hmm

  21. Check this out. Batman tumbler

    1. whattt.. O_o. I just did a search and it is not yet listed in the aliexpress.

  22. Love this review, very detailed and highly enjoyable. You also have the same baby bottle top in the final picture as my son uses. Have you seen the linco The Force Awakens Millennium Falcon yet - I am really keen to hear from anyone who has seen this as its a must buy for me.

    cheers Fe_man - UK

    1. I caved, just ordered the falcon. still interested in anyones thoughts on it. I will post mine in acouple of weeks when it turns up.

      Cheers Fe_man

    2. @Fe_man; hi there :). oh both my kids 5yo and 4yo still drink milk so it is inevitable. the bottle top scattered in the house, sometime missing for a few days (^_^)".

    3. I am still in the process of assembling Kylo Ren's shuttle.. even after 2 weeks have passed. aha..

      some say that there are a lot of missing parts in MF. I just hope it's not too serious.

  23. If you want good quality first order mini-figures, you should look into XINH, they almost look identical to the lego ones.

    1. Hi @unknown. I will try to get both Xinh's SWTFA sets (X0104 and X0103) for review. As already shared by @Gnrl Clstr in few comments, Xinh is the best alternative to replace all these figures in Lepin's set. I became even more impatient to get them (^_^)"

  24. The brick quality of LEPIN is almost identical to LEGO, the only downside of it are the mini-figures; they are terrible. My solution is to get the mini-figures from XINH and SY, then you are golden.

    1. Hi @Nathan Cheng thanks for the recommendation. :). yeah, i really love brick quality in all Lepin set but i cannot stand to look at their minifigures. the print on their helmet is really bad. im still looking to get X0104 and X0103. man here recommend me to get Xinh's minifigures so i think i should do that.

  25. I collect the starwars lego replica. usually brand would give you a good idea on how is the replica quality, but this is not 100%. I would take a look at the actual picture to determined the quality and is it worth buying.

    The information on the site is also wonderful to know before buying. thanks.

  26. Hello
    Firstly, i want to thank you for your blog. It's wonderful
    Secondly, I heard that your spring shooter can't hold it's ammo, do this happen to your Kylo Ren command shuttle too?Can the dual cannon on it's top shoot ? Because i have a Bela Imperial Stormtrooper Transport and its cannon can't shoot :(

    1. Hi @Khang Thái Bảo. sorry for the late reply. i should reply this sooner. I bet you already found out the answer. Yes,one of spring shooter in my LEpin's Kylo Ren shuttle cannot hold the ammo too. i use original LEGO parts to replace it

  27. do you have any problems with the customs when you buy lepin from aliexpress?thanks

    1. Some sellers list their products at certain prices. I've heard some sellers always declaring that the packaged their delivering is worth USD15. or [not sure which] has some insight

    2. I thought the question was more about legal issues than about customs fee. Depends on country I guess, I think some og them might confiscate pirate copies if they find out. The good way to check is to find reviews at Ali from your country residents.

  28. Can Lepin products be sold in the United States? Some imndependent toy stores sell alternative Brick/Block Brands. This leads me to beleive that lego doesnt hold the patent rights in the US.

    1. Hard to say, I doubt it is legal. Shops can sell alternative blocks that don't violate intellectual property, i.e. they can sell self made models and sets. While brands like Lepin directly copy Lego sets.
      But they are sold on ebay.
      Also if you're ordering from China read this
      Though US byuers did not have issues with customs.

  29. Get your favorite LEPIN sets at best price in Malaysia:

  30. You can now get the lepin products from

  31. wow. nice one. I found a store sell chiron for only 95 usd. Please help me verify this store. is they legal and not scam: LEPIN LAND

  32. this is good bro

  33. I found this a very useful article about star wars lego, I hope you have more articles

  34. Star War collection is one of the best of Lepin. I have 2 sets of them and going to get the third

  35. 426AEFCE93Marcus5317C1F99529 December 2024 at 10:38

    türk takipçi


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