
Thursday, 13 August 2015

Decool 0223 - 0228 Avengers 2 Age Of Ultron Minifigures Set

I received this set together with 0217 - 0222. I think you would never want to scroll too far down so I separate review for both of the set.

Name of the characters printed on the box:

0223 - Nick Fury
0224 - Vision
0225 - Maria Hill
0226 - Baron Von Strucker
0227 - Iron Legion
0228 - Ultimate Ultron

Catalog and trading/game cards from this set and Decool 0217-0222:

Catalog provided in each box.

Assembled minifigures:

Forgive me for not taking pictures of every minifigures with their accessories and weapons. Here is a picture of the extra parts/accessories/weapons (from this set and Decool 0217-0222).

Each minifigure comes with a super jumper. Super jumper in the picture below is from 2 sets. 0217-0222 and 0223 - 0228. 

Comparison with original Lego figure on right.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience below. I do not have the original figure for Nick Fury and Maria Hill. Therefore, I have photoshop image from bricklink and put it in my photos. As far as i can remember, I always put the original lego figure on the right when i do the comparison but there was a mix-up in the following images:

I almost forgot to mention that Maria Hill from Decool has the same curved waist on the torso, similar to Supergirl from Decool 0200.

Is it correct to say this marked the end of the imitation for Avengers 2 AOU Lego figure? So far we've seen these characters have been copied by Sheng Yuan, Dargo and Duo Le Pin:

Sheng Yuan - SY275 & SY276
Sheng Yuan - SY271
Duo Le Pin - DLP9005
Dargo - No.852
Decool - 0217-0222

Enough with the AOU. There are many more new sets produced by Lego recently. hehe. please... no more AOU figure ya >_<.

[update@15th August, 2015]
I feel really lucky and grateful to @JC for his help with list of other China brands that also produced these AOU figure. Here is the information that has been submitted by him through the comment section. Thanks @JC :)
About the other imitation AOU figures, I actually got obsessed about it last week and made some research. There are actually 11 12 brands that made AOU figures! It's insane! I'm not gonna post the pictures, but I'll include the links. And basically, SY & Decool are the only sets that are good. The other 9 brands are not good even on pictures.
Bootleg brands: 
1. Decool 
2. Sheng Yuan 
3. Duo Le Pin 
4. Dargo - they still have some upcoming AOU figures. You can see them on that picture with the 47 figures they're releasing 
5. Bozhi No. 90868 - mix of AOU and 
6. IQ Blocks No. 200148-6link: 
7. JLB No. 3D3919 to 3D3930 - mix of AOU and DC. They have a weird looking Maria Hill carrying light 
8. Lele No. 79028 - They only have 6 
9. A brand with a chinese character on its logo - it has Superman & 
10. XINH No. 059-066link: 
11. OK! Wisdom Park - I can't find this one online but it was available here in the Philippines. The boxes are white, the figures have weird hairstyles, Vision is very purple, and they have Hulk Buster the size of a minifigure - it's so funny I actually bought it 
12. Dargo - Transparent AOU figure


  1. I wonder will decool make a set of Ant-Man characters. I hope they will but Ant-Man has not enough characters to make a set of 6.

    1. you are right. there are only 3 antman figure to date:

      i hope Decool will be creative enough to mix some exclusive/SDCC character with it. maybe Trickster minifigure from the latest Attack of the Legion of Doom dvd/bluray for example? >_<


    2. Or even Waap and Falcon

  2. Alright! Waiting for these posts of Decool. Now that you have all, which AOU mini figs is better, SY or Decool? I was hoping that you'd have them side by side.

    1. Hi there. i'm so sorry i forgot to include SY figure in the comparison. i will comment to this post when i update this post. sorry ya =)

    2. i mean, i will reply to this comment*

  3. How is the comparison to Sheng Yuan?

    1. Hi there. i;m so sorry i don't have the comparison with SY but i plan to do so. i will reply to this comment when i update this post. sorry ya =)

  4. SY is going to release Avengers Tower and Quinjet 2. See here:

    1. Official SY Blocks page .

    2. I didn't know SY have an official FB page. And they are interacting with commenters? Is it really them wow!

      Thanks for the link.

    3. wow this is great! @gantarat, thanks for the facebook link.

      @Customize Minifigures Intelligence; I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that you have a very interesting fb page =). thank you for all the update and info =)

  5. What do you think quality decool nowadays ?

    1. the quality is improving, imho. their worst set is 7107 Rocket Raccoon Warbird but the set i reviewed today is much better. only some figure has loose hand. i will update this post about it. =)

    2. Hey Legostore. I agree with Decool made Rocket Racoon with its warbird spaceship 7107. I have had only 2 in my store and I have not even sold one. I lowered the price and poeple just do not want to look at it.

    3. Forgot to mention that I have had it since March. Currently, large size Decool has bern rare. SY releases more large size sets.

    4. The one thing Decool is great is their Ninjago products. They beat SY-made Ninjago because Decool has released Ninjago series where the Ninjas wear not only the mouth cover, but the whole head and mouth cover. Please refer to this picture.

      As far as I know, SY has not rekeased such Ninjago.

    5. Hi @Andree Suryapranata; thanks for the feedback :). Speaking about Decool big set, I still do not have Decool's Hulkbuster Ironman. How about you? Do share with us which one is more favourable by your customer (SY or Decool) ;)

  6. Hey there MyLegoStore! I'm happy you finally got your AOU Decool sets! :)

    About the other imitation AOU figures, I actually got obsessed about it last week and made some research. There are actually 11 brands that made AOU figures! It's insane! I'm not gonna post the pictures, but I'll include the links. And basically, SY & Decool are the only sets that are good. The other 9 brands are not good even on pictures.

    Bootleg brands:
    1. Decool
    2. Sheng Yuan
    3. Duo Le Pin
    4. Dargo - they still have some upcoming AOU figures. You can see them on that picture with the 47 figures they're releasing.

    5. Bozhi No. 90868 - mix of AOU and DC.

    6. IQ Blocks No. 200148-6

    7. JLB No. 3D3919 to 3D3930 - mix of AOU and DC. They have a weird looking Maria Hill carrying light sabers.

    8. Lele No. 79028 - They only have 6 figures.

    9. A brand with a chinese character on its logo - it has Superman & Spiderman.

    10. XINH No. 059-066

    11. OK! Wisdom Corner - I can't find this one online but it was available here in the Philippines. The boxes are white, the figures have weird hairstyles, Vision is very purple, and they have Hulk Buster the size of a minifigure - it's so funny I actually bought it.

    1. Hi @JC. Thank you for your research and the findings. it's such a waste to let all this information in the comments section. Allow me to put all of this in the post above. thanks again @JC. I'm sure many will thank you =)

    2. Hey wow thanks! :)

      I have to correct the last one I wrote there. #11 is OK Wisdom Park (not Ok! Wisdom Corner... haha! I was thinking of Shop Around The Corner when I wrote that). I took some pictures from the store where I found it.
      Sorry for the bad quality of the photos. Camera phone was bad. That's the very purple Vision and the very mini Hulk Buster. Haha!

    3. And update on Dargo... they're releasing transparent Age of Ultron figures. They don't want to stop! Haha!

    4. Hi @JC. thanks for all these info and the pic too.. the mini hulkbuster looks weird but i think i would love to have it. perfect buddy for buzzlightyear lol

    5. Dargo is trying to get market share by issuing transparent minifigure huh? hehe. I still don't have their transparent ironman :(. There's some mark in that set that i really want

    6. Know where I could buy the hulkbuster?

    7. The miniature version by OK? I myself havnt found it.our best shot is to find them on aliexpress...

    8. Is the ultron helmet the same as in the picture?

    9. yeah, i wanna know about that too. still waiting for this set to arrive nearby store. hope @JC could furnish us with some info about that

  7. Can you please make a review of the OK brand please

    1. Hi there :). The brand is not popular in my place but I will try to find one. The only set from OK that I have ever review is Lego Kamen Rider Gaim. As I recall they also produce Transformers minfigure set:

  8. If you find the ok wisdom park, I would love for you to review it.

    1. Hi @Anonymous. You are the 2nd to ask for OK Wisdom Park :).

      Sure, i will buy a set if i find one :)

  9. I noticed you didn't have a review of the first Decool AoU set, the one with Winter Soldier.

    1. you are right.. I still do not have it :(. but I do not find them in any store near my house (the usual place i get these stuff).

      anyway.. thank you for informing me about it. another set added to my WTB list :)

  10. Decool's version of Vision is much better than Lego. hahaha....I envy you that you have such a cool store nearby. It's hard to find a good store here with a complete and ready stock Minifigures.

    1. Hi there. The shop may be close to my home but they don't always have the latest set :(

  11. Hi dude. hope you could occasionally do a review of original LEGO sets. like the winter soldier polybag because I am quite hesitant to buy it. Also,have you seen the set 76037? the spiderman minifig there have printed red boots unlike the common spiderman minifig which only have blue legs. hope you consider it. more power to your blog dude.

    1. Hi @Midas Hand. thanks for the suggestion :))))

      I have thought of making review about original lego set, but I'm from Malaysia. New set that available in US only arrive Malaysia few weeks after. not to mention I don't get the privilege to enjoy free stuff/polybag or promotion Lego normally offer to afol in US/UK :(

      By the time the new set arrive Malaysia, there have been many reviews made by others :(. just like this bootleg set, there could have been other earlier review made on facebook group or another blog, but not as many reviews that have been made about the original lego set. that's what makes me continue this blog.

      anyway, i really appreciate the suggestion. I always hope to make a review of the original lego set. Who does not like to share their experiences and joys after spending a certain amount of money for the their favourite toys/hobby :)

    2. I feel you dude. Even here in the Philippines,it takes a few months for the new sets to be available in the store. The polybag are just so expensive,like the winter soldier polybag which is being sold at about USD 20,wew. Also,original LEGO sets are just so expensive here in Asia. But since Lego is planning on putting up a factory in China,maybe the prices will be a little cheaper at it will come to our countries much faster. So hopefully Lego pushes through on having a factory in China so Lego enthusiasts like us will also have the privilege of having promotions for new sets and exclusive polybags. anyways,cheers for continuing to post great reviews. more power dude

  12. Hi, I've been reading your blog since last year. I must say that I love all your review of these bootleg Lego. Personally, I collect bootleg Lego (especially Decool) 'cause I think the original Lego is too expensive and it doesn't has a large variety of characters as the bootleg companies do. Can't wait for your review on Decool's Hulkbuster Smash Set and Igor Mark 38 which I'm planning to get soon (after my exams :P). Keep up the good work :D

    1. Hi @Bertrand Lau, thank you so much for those kind words :)

      I don't deny that lego is quite expensive, especially in Asian countries (I think, lol). I do not want to talk about the legal aspects, but I consider these bootleg brand is like Robin Hood. lol

    2. Thanks for your reply. Just finished my exams. Planning on which of these bootleg Lego to get first. :P

  13. Hi @Legostore.My i also saw the ok wisdom park AOU lego ^_^ and im a very big fan of your site i always try to see your site to check the awesome bootlegs from your reviews ^_^ i already have a collection of it. and i was so addicted and your reviews was a big help so i can buy a bootleg lego that my money would not be waste to some cheap or low quality upcoming products :) i just wonder the other AOU OK wisdom park products . if they look nice and awesome. i have got my Hulkbuster which is size of minifigure it is a little bit awesome although mark 43 is the ironman suit inside of it :) could you recomend me other OK wisdom park AOU products ? or everything else is not so good ? by the way i also live here in the phil.

    1. hi there :).thanks for visiting this blog :)))

      To date i only have one set of minifigures from Ok wisdom park, that is Kamen Rider Gaim minifigures set. Other set that i'm aware they issue is Transformers minifigures set. I tried looking for other minifigure set produced by them in aliexpress listing but failed to find any. I guess they don't have much to offer.

    2. Anyways ^_^ thanks sheng yuan and decool is still my favorite brands :) :) anyways. ^_^ havent you got your decool set 0205-0210 ? And 0211-0216 ? I have already got my winter soldier set 0210 and it has a bionic arm design. In his left arm ^_^ and set 0213 which is batman with new release helmet :) and 0215 bane of dark knight rises which is very awesome it includes a mask, trench coat and a machine gun ^_^ .. Hooe you get yours too :)

    3. Hi. oh gosh, i still have 0211-0216 as draft.

      take some photos on 22nd but i totally forgot to post it >_<

      0205-0210? I missed it. the set is no longer available at shop near my house *crying*. need to find the set somewhere else~

    4. Well ^_^ 205-210 only includes AOU characters and winter soldier ^-^ it is not a big lost because different brands like sheng yuan and duo le pin have created a lots of AOU characters *sigh haha . that you have already :) have a review on it thanks ^_^


    this is a new sy release :)

    1. hey thanks for the pic :). this is the first time i see picture of this set.


    2. Sheng yuan also produce its :) ^_^ spiderman variants . it includes miles morales, silk, spiderman 2 variant with arm printing ^_^ that i have recently got :), superior spiderman, a ghost spider i guest ? and carnage :) Customize minifigure intelligence have already update them a weeks ago ^_^ thanks for making most of us happy of your blogs :)

    3. Hi @kevinleano:). I cannot thank you enough with all the names. I will definitely use the names when making a review about it. =).. Thanks buddy!!

      owh yeah, Customize minifigure intelligence has always been the first to get new sets. I'm very jealous of them. ahhahaha

    4. Hahaha i wonder how they make it alwsys updated . That is ok ^_^ i just want to help only in just simple things :) that i can do ^^ because your reviews and blogs help me a lot ^_^ and also for lego enthusiast like me :) because before i just depends on box art of the minifigures now i just depend on your blogs ^^ i wonder which brands could create green goblin of the amazing spiderman was 2 because they only created electro and spiderman in new suit . does lego created one of it ? Except the green goblin of ultimste spiderman ?

  15. You should buy SY328 Hulk Helicarrier Break Out for review :) tq

    1. Hi @anonymous. :)

      Do you plan to get one? Found a few seller list them at rm100 each.

  16. I've been looking for the Avengers 2 line (AoU + DC that has like Green Lantern and Batman) with boxes and trading cards for ages. Nobody has them complete for sale.


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