
Monday, 15 June 2015

Decool 0199 - 0204; Superman, Supergirl, Brainiac, Hawkman, Cyborg, Batzarro

The return of Decool?

Cannot wait to see if they already improve/fix their print issue.

The catalogue, yeay! Looks like we'll be getting Age of Ultron minifigures in set number 0205 onwards.

For comparison, I will have the original Lego figure on the right in every picture: 

1. Lego Superman (comic variant). I'm too lazy to compare the exact Lego figure that Decool imitate. I just grab the easiest from my collection so the alternate face in this comparison picture is different. I will explain about other variant later.

Misaligned print of the belt on rear torso is noticeable. same problem with their previous set 0192-0197 (have a look at Bane)

I just notice this. Decool hasn't issue comic variant of Superman before. Their Superman from set number 0108 is from Man of Steel variant.

Here's a print screen of available variant of Lego Superman from Bricklink.

As you can see from the list, Decool's figure is a copy of Superman from Lego 76040 (with red eyes) but mine is from Lego 6862/76028. The cape that comes with the latest Lego Superman figure (76040/76028) is made of new - spongy soft material. 

I hope i don't make it more confused. Torso and leg assembly for comic variant Superman (bright blue suit) are same for figure made in 2011/2012 (from set 6862) and the latest 76040 and 76028 made in 2015. The only difference are the alternate face and material for the cape.

2. Lego Supergirl. Same with Superman, the cape should made of spongy soft knit but it doesn't matter in picture. If you notice, Decool miss to colour the collar /neck line with skin colour. 

Uh uh, one more thing. This is important. have you notice it? Look at her waist. Instead of using shade on the torso to colour the waist part, Decool modified the torso (purposely make a dent at both side of the torso) to make her having an "actual" waist. cool or weird? lol

but they have the same side print on the leg.. 

3. Lego Cyborg. Printing on the leg is horrible.. but if you're collecting bootleg figure, this will be great addition to comic variant made by SY SY258.

4. Lego Brainiac. 

5. Lego Batzarro. The yellow belt colour is stronger than the original Lego but better than Sheng Yuan's from SY266. At least this one has dual sided faces.

6. Lego Hawkman. He comes with complete accessories, exactly like Lego.

Colour of the helmet is different. I cannot capture the exact color but most gold colour on Lego figure looks yellow on Decool. The wing however, looks more awesome on Decool. 

Misaligned color and line on the leg is noticeable.

Last but not least, who's interested with this Super Jumper?

You can get 2 in this set from Superman and Supergirl.

I heard they could potentially damage the back of the minifigures’ legs but i don't mind since the price for one of these figures is only 1/15 of the original Lego. So i just let my son play to their heart's content. ahaha =). 


  1. The set is perfect to complete my League of Justice Minifigures.
    Great review

    1. Hi there. i never think of sorting/displaying them according to their origin/group. that must be awesome to have complete figures

  2. Replies
    1. hey there. yeah, if you are into superheroes.. this set is a must =)

  3. The dents on Supergirl waist, for me, look weird. But maybe through time I'll gradually accept it...hehe

    1. i don't know what to say ahaha. just like you said, maybe after some time we can accept it. just like movable short leg by Sheng Yuan. ahaha. people have different preferences. that's why we have options =)

  4. That Supergirl waist would look good if the belt printing reach end of the torso...not gonna buy this set coz i already got the original i'm waiting for SY Flash set review

    1. oh yeah.. SY Flash. i still dont have it. i will try get em over this weekend.

  5. Good review :)
    I believe that Superman showed in front section of the box is actually the New 52 version (red belt and no red pants), but the minifig is the pre-52 Superman?

    1. you just made me google New 52 Superman.


      you guys have very awesome observations. i will never get to your level noticing stuff like this. ahaha. thanks buddy. i kinda agree with you. the image on the box looks like the New 52 version but the minifigure inside is base on classic, pre-52 Superman =)


    1. owh, they are out! and i'm here waiting for their AOU minifigures

      thanks for the link buddy!

  7. Just ordered this set from ebay, can't wait for it to arrive!

    1. the print is better than their Modern War figures.. im sure you will love them if you are into superheroes. =)

  8. The Supergirl is a must have I think this is why Decool have been making new products in a long time. I guess they worked on the "waist" project. Can't wait for Thanos. and BTW did you get the new line of summer sets? I already got Carnage's SHIELD sky attack and Sandman and Rhino Super Villain team up. -Anonymous 2002

    1. Yea this Supergirl with real curves is kinda special. Nice.

    2. my oh my. i'm dying to get those figure. It has been ages since i last bought new lego Spider man figures. For few years Lego recycled the same classic spiderman in all their lego set. How long is it.. 2012 to 2014?

      but due to budget constraint, i can only drool on the pictures for now lol

      oh not to forget Ant-man minifigures too... the mask is too awesome to resist

  9. I wonder what the research/designing department of Decool is like. I just got my set and they were really good for only $4.50 (bargained with the chinese guy, supposed to be $5.50). Hope they would release killer croc, spider gwen, poison ivy. Oh i love Decool and SY (sometimes)

    1. To be honest, I rarely find people who prefer Decool over Sheng Yuan. hehe. IMHO the quality of their figures dropped after 0192-0197 set but I have seen improvement in this set and new ninjago 0077-0085 set I received today. might need some time to upload about them =)

  10. Which one is better between SY and Decool?

    1. Hi @Red Exia. If you are looking at the minifigures, they are on par with each other. But i personally prefer SY. However for bricks, Decool is better than SY. but this opinion may be different for other people :)


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