
Saturday, 9 May 2015

Decool Modern War 308, 309, 310, 311

It's been a while since Decool release anything. Recent set before this set im going to review should be Ninjago minifigures (but i don't have it) and Minecraft minifigures (i have this one, but havn't review it lol)

Decool already release 3 Wodern War minifigures before - Decool 301, 302 and 303. So the next series should be 304, 305, 306 and 307. However i received these first:
  • 308 - American Support
  • 309 - American Engineer
  • 310 - American Assault
  • 311 - American Recon

I bet the other set is in another cargo container on its way to Malaysia shore so in the meantime, lets have a look at these first.

Images of the boxes: 

Lucky us, there's a piece of catalog inside each box showing minifigures and other set in Modern War theme. I already review 2111 and 2112 here.

As usual, the parts are sealed in plastic packaging:

How they looks like with bare eyes:

Looks nice, ya? How about some truth? Let me zoom in a bit.

Picture speaks for itself. Printing on all the torso is really bad. Some say Decool purposely done it because they are military figure so their shirt cannot look that "clean" and clear. but i don't buy it =(

Alternate face:

Side print on the arms and legs looks nice. Each figure have different design printed on their arms and legs. 

Weapons that come with each minifigures:

All the accessories and weapons in this set combined:

Last but not least, how they look like with the vest on:

Plastic used for the vest is superb. It's thicker than plastic used for vest in previous Decool 301, 302 and 303 set. However…. i have bad news. Some might skip this set because of this. Most of the figures in this set have loose legs!! OMG. I'm not sure if it's just my set. I hope other batch won't have this problem.

What do you think about this? I hope next camouflaged army set by Sheng Yuan  will not disappoint me.


  1. OMG im already order 19 set for this wave
    To build my own army team ..should i cancel my order?..what do you think?..

    1. Hi there. I just got back from vacation so i'm really sorry that i didn't reply to your comment sooner. how is your figure? I bet you already received them by now.

  2. are decool 2113 heliplane out yet ? .. can't wait for those :D

    1. I searched aliexpress but I didn't find it...

  3. Really OMFG! I had high hopes for the Modern War set. Gonna skip this set for sure.

    Except ... I will buy a few boxes of Decool 306 (Russian Recon) ... because I want this sniper rifle (Swiss-made Brugger and Thomet APR):

    Source: Customize Minifigures Intelligence FB page.

    But I have no idea which minifig weapon maker made this originally.

    1. I always amaze at how solid those weapons look... oh that hood is my favourite =)

  4. Decool used to be on top of my choices, but lately their products were very disappointing (in many terms especially in printing)

    Hope SY don't disappoint me.

    1. Decool will release so many new figures soon. It really break my heart if the quality is same with their Modern War figure =(

  5. i love the round hat. will use it for moc. beach hat maybe XD

    1. ahaha.. that's nice.. the hat makes me remember about this guy


    2. I don't think you mean JUST the hat, The bad printing too. :)
      I have 2 of those swamp guys, The one, (That one's printing) Absolutely Sucked.

  6. this is how thermal digital printing looks like. so decool went with a digital print for their modern war wave. pad printing is clean and sharp like lego or SY does.

    1. wow ,thanks! this is the most reasonable explanation so far. why they opt for this method?. is it cheaper or faster? i got the same output trying to print coloured image using my lousy bubble jet printer on glossy paper lol

  7. 311 KINDA looks like Boba Fett Cloud City, even thought it's not 100% the same but it could be use for Boba Fett. Wait.....I just think. If Bozhi makes more minifigures from minifigures series would they make Mr Gold to???

    1. hi there. that's an interesting thought =) Mr.Gold in their series 10 eh

  8. Replies
    1. hmm,, where are you from? Here in Malaysia these 4 cost around RM12 (USD3.5)

    2. lol ... I also is Malaysian.. From kl, if want to buy with you , how to contact you?

  9. may i know,buy frm taobao better or aliexpress?

    1. you may see price on taobao is cheaper but you need to appoint agent (also known as forwarding agent) to act on your behalf. so price that you see on taobao is not final cost. on aliexpress, the item listed and the price is what you need to pay for the item. imho, taobao + agent is suitable if you buy item in large quantity. if you want peace of mind, use aliexpress.

  10. thanks a lot.if i buy different item separately.but total is a big i should go taobao?

    1. Yup.definitely taobao.=). Try to find seller that have the most item that you want. . you might want to ask them to remove the packaging too.. for cheaper postage =)


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