
Sunday, 28 June 2015

SY213A-SY213D Ironman with Armoury

This set is one of the available option to display your Lego Ironman. I've seen some people combine a few set of Ironman lab SY305, (which is costly but cool) as a base to keep their growing collection. 

Each set come with 2 pieces of Swivel 1 x 4 Hinge Plate. But you only need one to combine with another set.

They look cool with this formation:

The display case can be connected sideway and on top, but as you can see from the image on the box, this is not how you combine them on top of each other.

You need to remove these top part to make the structure more stable.

..and this is how they suppose to look after you remove the top part of the lower armoury.

Assembled figures. From left: Mark 45, Mark 43, Iron Legion, Rubber Ducky. 

I hate it when they repeat a figure from another set. Sheng yuan had issued a similar Mark 45 in SY271, but without armour of course. :(. Rubber Ducky on the other hand is better than the one issued by Duo Le Pin.

Hmm, do you think these armour are necessary for Iron Man? I'm not sure where is the origin for the design. They are same in design but different in colours.

 Without armour:

So disappointed with Mark 43's head. I hate that robot face. I wish they make more like Rubber Ducky Mark 42 face. His head is form iron man SDCC 2012 (Bleeding edge).. cool right?

Comparison with original Lego on right:

Who do you think this is?

[update] thanks to @RHM for the clarification. 
This is actually Mark 42 but with more yellow on the suit designed by Agoodfella77.. Here's the picture that i got from @RHM:

Most of comment that i received on my review about DLP's ironman agree he's Rubber Ducky version. Here's a snapshot of Rubber Ducky from Marvel Avengers Assemble:

I've scanned the instructions manual if you want to build it yourself:

Last but not least, if you are looking to buy only selected figure, here's the set number for each figure: Mark 43 is from SY213A, Mark 45 is from SY213B, Iron Legion is from SY213C and Rubber Ducky is from SY213D.


  1. Actually, the yellow arm and leg is Mk 42 with more yellow. Taken from Agoodfellows77 design
    The torso design is without a doubt mk 42.

    1. thank you soooo much for the info. When I make a review of the DLP's Ironman earlier this month, I was 95% sure that figure is Mark 42 but after reading the comments received, I had to change the information.


      i will update my post above with these info. thanks buddy!

    2. Oops had his name wrong! It's Agoodfella77. Sorry about that!

    3. owh it's okay. i can edit the post. =)

      your effort to update me the correct info is very much appreciated =)

    4. Thanks for the shouts out! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. U know wot ... I actually like these more without the add-on armour.

    1. I agree with you. why should we hide the beauty of their torso design. the armour looks all the same

  4. This set would have been so much better if it included all new minifigures, not rehashes of already released ones. The 'Rubber Ducky' one is actually just a terrible MK42, as RHM said. There are so many iron man suits that haven't been released yet including MK3 and MK37 (Underwater).

    Why the hell have they put the Tiger suit in the set from the previous post? There's no way I'm buying the whole set just for that figure.

    I also don't like the new armour cover, it seems like a waste of time when you can't see the proper design. The only addition I think might be worthwhile is shoulder pads, as nearly every iron man suit has them, and there is a small amount of variation in shape.

    1. You can get Mark 3 in the SY161 set or with the SY303 walkway gantry.

    2. some say the one in SY161/303 is Mark 50.

      This is one of the reason why I often delay to update the list of's confusing! lol just another excuse heheh

    3. If you take a look at the MCU wiki, Mark 3 looks very similar to the Mark 50 you posted. Since most of the minifigures are based on the MCU suits, I think the one in SY161/303 is more likely to be Mark 3.

    4. Also, SY161 has gold details on the ribs and collarbone. If you Google images of Mark 3 you can see these same details. SY303 does look more like the Mark 50 you posted though

    5. thank you soooooo much for the info. I just know that the MCU is marcel cinematic universe. (how silly i am >_<). After the explanation, now I strongly agree with you. IM in SY161 is definitely Mark 3. thanks a lot buddy! i will remember these when i update my iron man list in the future =)

    6. I disagree, they are both too bright red. The mark 3 should have the same design as the mark 2, but without rivets. Those two figures are nearly identical, and the Avengers Assemble one is definitely based on the cartoon, so they are either both mark 50 or one is 49.

    7. >_<. you got the point. I somehow agree with you now. main point here is the bright red colour and SY161 is set for characters from Avengers Assemble the series

  5. On 26th ALJ open new store at ioi city mall.
    Gave out free 40145 Lego stores for every purchase of rm500.

    They did not limit qty/customer. I personally saw 1 person bought 35k cash.

    At first said for 26,27 &28. But 26th all finish.

    I was expecting a blog post fro you..

    1. i was there. queuing from 10am to 1pm. 3 hours waiting for them (irresponsible person) to split bill in front of the counter just to get as much as they can. found later they sell the set at RM350, RM450 (on ebay) and some RM888 (on bricklink). i don't want to be negative but i feel like punching someone face that day. cannot help detecting scalpers too. all scalpers around Malaysia gather in one place =(.

      i'm 30th person queuing on the line but guess what number i got for the exclusive set. 120th! so definitely there's people who get more than one.

      i dont share or mention anything about that lego store set because i know some of my friends really really sad of not getting one.

  6. New release from Sheng Yuan,

    1) Spiderman set


    2) Police


    1. hi @steven, thank you for this latest information. and with pictures too. i realllly appreciate it =) These are from SY's so i'm getting them both!

    2. It would be soo much better if they had spider gwen instead of skull spiderman IMO.

    3. oh my. I've just noticed about that. Do skull spiderman really exist? spooky ~. Now I also wish they make spider gwen instead > _ <

      found this pic on flickr :)

    4. I finally found who the skull spiderman is, it is ghost spiderman from alternate universe . still would like spider gwen though. =(

    5. hi @anonymous. thanks for the info. i'll surely remember these when i review about them soon :)

  7. I was hoping I'd be able to gain access to the instructions for those alcoves. Thanks. I'm one of the ones using the Iron Man's Lab club build for my suits, which will soon create a small problem, once mark 33 comes out, because I currently have suits in every place designed to hold them, which leaves me with no room for additional suits.

    1. Mark 33 is already available in set SY179

    2. @Brad Vondra, I guess you can not wait to get silver centurion right? heheh.


      i have redesign my ironman lab a few time. The original set can only dispay five figure but I have made a modification so seven figure can be displayed.but it is still not enough. it will never be enough, i guess

    3. @Andrew. you are sharp. i need to google SY179 to remind me of which set it is

    4. The lab is actually capable of holding 6 figures, not just 5. The stage in the rough center of the build holds a figure too, and I use that one to display the one that's latest in numerical order, except for the helmet, which I put on the workbench on top of the black stud piece, which I previously put another black stud piece on top of in order to make it hold the helmet better.

  8. SY probably got the idea for the ugly armour from this:

    1. @Chav Bogan; you might be right. The armour will look much better if they have more color or design on it. just like that Silver Centurion made by Lego. I really admire print on arm and side of the leg. i must get that figure >_<

  9. My fav toyshop has yet to bring in this set, so I'm still waiting. Lots of extra bricks for the money. Nice dark grey.

    There's this brand (GUDI) which has start to appear in local shops. I bought some small boxes and I am very pleased with the quality of the bricks. On par with Star Diamond quality. These two are real legit Lego alternatives, come up with their own designs instead of outright cloning Lego or copyrighted materials.

    1. hi @apodistagon. i havn't found them in any store but when i search using aliexpress, i found this:

      I will not hesitate to buy it if I found one. I love transformers. but i hate kre-o so this set might be the solution.

  10. I think I know the origin of the add-on armor parts.

    The front part's design was based on Brickwarriors' "galaxy enforcer armor" custom torso accessory (, while the rear part's was based on this custom repainted Iron Man minifig (, which probably used Breakthrough Army's custom Iron Man torso accessory (found here: SY somehow fused both designs & tweaked a bit for their own, but possibly intended to be based on Iron Man Mk 7 (or its variants, such as Mk XX) armor design. Hope this info helps.


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