
Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Decool 207-209 League Of Legends Minifigures

Hi guys!!! I'm sorry i didn't update anything for the past 10 days. Too busy with work during days and sometimes got dragged till the night. I also struggle A LOT doing setup for my new home networking system (as every step that i did, i refer to youtube and google lol). Initially i just want to replace my router, but end up buying Synology NAS, few homeplug, repeater, recovered my old WD TV live, IP Tv box and some external hard disk. phew..

Enough with technology stuff, let's get back to bootlegs Lego figure =). I have quite a number of minifigure sets to review. What i have; JLB Doraemon, JLB Hello Kitty, JLB Street Fighter, Dargo Transparent Super Heroes Figure, Dargo Super Heroes Set (the one with Whiplash),  Decool League of Legends, Decool Minecraft, Sheng Yuan Clash of Clan, Sheng Yuan Box Set SY207A-SY207D, Lele Minecraft, and  SL Toys Minecraft. How about that for a spoiler? Ahaha =). 

Since i'm just warming up, allow me to begin with this set - Decool League of Legends. This set only has 3 figures: 207 Akali , 208 Lee Sin, and 209 Ezreal. Decool already released 6 League of Legends figure before (Garen, XinZhao, Tryndamere, Pantheon, Zed and Katarina) Decool 201-206 League of Legends.

I didn't play the game. I'm sure the game is great but i try not to play new video games anymore because as soon as i start, I cannot stop (>_<).

Here's the assembled figures with their weapon:

Front/Rear view of the figures. Since it's from Decool, the figure comes with dual sided faces.

Lee Sin has printed tatoo's (or battle scar) on his right and left arm:

Till then, toodles!


  1. Awesome collection, dual sided faces are cool

    1. Hi @Elo Boosting, thanks for visiting my blog :). yeah, almost all knock-off brand is now able to issue minifigures with dual sided faces >_<.


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