
Saturday, 24 January 2015

Sheng Yuan SY260 SWAT The Expendables 2

It's another SWAT theme - but this time from movie The Expendables =).

All of the boxes have the same back design:

As usual, the weapon is attached to the plastic rack. No trading/game card included.

I need you guys to help me with this. I only recognised some of the characters: (those with question mark is still uncertain)

Top line, from left: Sylvester Stallone, Jason Stathan, Mel Gibson, Chuck Norris Randy Couture Arnold Schwarzenegger

Bottom line, from left: Terry Crews, Jet Li, Liam Helmsworth Dolph LungrenNan Yu Ronda Rousey 

[update@Feb 10, 2015]
The character name is finalised now. Thanks for the discussion and comment guys =)

Because there's one lady figure in the set (bottom line, right) with black hair, so i assume the characters are from the expendables 2. please correct me if im wrong. 

Expendables 2 | source: google
 Expendables 2 cast | source: google

Every minifigure has their own weapon rack and 2 loose handguns. 

Accessories/weapon before i detach them from their plastic rack

can someone tell me what is the rubber band around the leg for? i wonder if i can fit a handgun in there. 

The most satisfying part in this post (for me =p)  All the assembled weapon!! . I'll leave the weapon name to the expert. im sure you guys are better than me. 

[updated@Jan 26th, 2015]
Edited pic with weapon name - courtesy of @apodistagon and @FrancisMatti =)

I love the weapons more than the minifigure itself. the plastic quality is really good! 

[update@Feb 6th, 2015]
I need to quote one of tips from @apodistagon in comment section below - regarding weapon selection from this set.
The weapons shown on the box is NOT what is in the box. For instance I was after the M82 sniper rifle so when I look at the weapons on the box, I bought Statham and the guy-with-the-cap. But I got 2 x PSRs instead to my disappointment.

If you want specific weapons, save the pic from this blog post and refer to it before buying. Weapons shown on the box is wrong info. This blog post is the right info.

@apodistagon, thanks buddy =) 


  1. The rubber band can be used to holster guns, baton or knife

    1. they must look super awesome with that look =) i'm in love with these weapons/accessories.

  2. MC PSG1 (not sure) / MC PSG1 / BA MGL / BA MGL / BA M16-DBR / BA M16-DBR / MC M82A / MC M82A

    unknown / unknown / BA ARC / BA ARC / MC ML79 / MC ML79 / BA M16-AGL / BA M16-AGL

    ammo feed of unknown brand, but I suspected that this is pair with SY swat 1 Machine Gun / MC Bayonet L13

    BA = Brickarms
    MC = Minifig Cat

    1. Hey thanks! i'm going to add the weapon name to the picture above =)

      I can't do this alone. It'll take me forever to identify the weapon name alone.

    2. @FrancisMatti, pic updated with your input. i owe you sooooo much! Thanks!

  3. If they are starting this kind of trend making lego fig out of movies. They should make the matrix, kick-ass, underworld, max payne, or the spawn characters! - jpoks

    1. Hi jpoks!

      kick-ass minifigures would be awesome. i hope they will make it =)

      Spawn characters? I think it's just around the corner. saw a few custom on ebay but too expensive O_o

  4. from the box i think the 3rd guy is dolp lungren based on the box image coz he hold a big knife, 4th guy =Arnold Schwarzenegger. then 7th guy holding the sniper will be liam helmsworth, then the lady is ronda rousey. thats my opinion :) great blog. kerp it up :)

    1. I'm gonna buy the girl minifig. I like her face. It looks oriental. Very nice.

    2. Hi @anonymous, thanks for your comment. i really appreciate it =)

      @apodistagon. i love the torso =p

    3. @anonymous; Dolph Lungren should have tan coloured hair, right? im more confused now.. ahahah

  5. [img][/img]

    The sniper rifle is simply called PSR from BrickArms.

    And the next one, if I'm not mistaken is "Assault Carbine" from BrickArms again.

    Both guns are included in BrickArms weapons pack:
    BrickArms Weapons Pack v5 link
    BrickArms Weapons Pack v4 liink

    Firestartertoys sell the "Assault Carbine" individually. This rifle is my least favourite assault rifle in the set.
    Assault Rifle sold from FirestarterToys

    1. @apodistagon; as usual, thanks for your feedback =). I really appreciate it. I know i could count on you =)

    2. [img][/img]

      these 2 right?

    3. Yes. What a generic name. Assault Carbine. Whether this gun is fictional or belongs to a game, I'm not sure.

    4. I think exactly name of these guns are G36 instead " Assault Carbine "

  6. SY put good effort in face, torso and leg design this round with the 'Expendables'. My favourite face is the girl which has great eyes and lips (weird torso though).

    Lets talk guns! :D

    My favourites are the M16-DBR, M16-AGL and M82 sniper. My only complain is the M82 sniper rifle which doesn't have a retractable bi-pod. Sniper rifles are always stabilised by a bi-pod during operation.

    The latest catalog in (201501 new products) has an "M83", which kinda looks like a M82/M107 with a retractable bi-pod. Now that looks more like a real sniper rifle. I wonder next year's bootleg military figs will have this new range of guns. The guns and acessories from bootlegs are usually a generation or two behind the latest BrickArms/Combatbricks/Si-Dan stuff.

    The M79 grenade launcher is old school and doesn't appeal much to me. Single grenade launcher see more usage in riot control situation more than war zones. The army commonly use under-barrel grenade launcher (M203) these days. One of the reasons why I love the M16-AGL and M4A1-SB rifles.

    I notice Sheng Yuan and Lele keep using the same guns and acessories in all their sets. This SY 'Expendables' set is using the same old Sheng Yuan SWAT set guns and accessories. And not to mention, they've cut out the vests and belts too. Even Lele's latest 'camouflaged' minifig set is reusing the same old stuff from Armed Raid, mostly. Well, Armed Raid deserves credit for including some kickass stuff - crates, M2HB sentry machine gun and sandbags. And if you like older WWII era guns, you get some in Armed Raid set.

    So I hope SY/LELE and whichever brand making military minifigs give us some newer/different guns and stuff. After all, I don't know about you guys, I'm buying these for the guns and accessories :D

  7. Wow.. I guess this team do really look like from the 2nd movie.. the lady is certainly Yu Nan (Maggie Chan in the movie) based on the oriental looks rather than Rhonda Rousey from the 3rd movie.
    I guess the last guy on the top row looks like Chuck Norris to me. Not sure who's the 3rd guy though
    Nice set, I might get it!

    1. Hmm, either that's Chuck Norris or Randy Couture

    2. so who do you think fit better to the minifigure? =p


    3. I still think that minifigure with tan hair is Lundgren because Hemsworth has short hair. ahahhaa..

    4. For me, 1st line minifig is Norris, 2nd line left is Hemsworth, right is Lungren.

    5. SY ... c'mon ... :D how hard it is to print the name on the box?

    6. Up - Arnold Schwarzenegger
      Down - Left - Mel Gibson
      - Right - Dolph Lundgren

    7. saw it in youtube

      maybe u can have a look on this youtube account - pinoytoygeek

  8. the Black one is Wesley Snipes, Not Terry Crews.

    1. Totally agreed with you, definitely Wesley Snipes. Because Terry get seriously injured and he is in hospital.

  9. I think the blue guy is Arnold Schwarzenegger.Guess from picture on the box that his shirt, hair and beard look similar from this picture.

    1. hey thanks for your comment =). yeah, i can see the resemblance in a way =)

  10. The rubber band around the leg is for the knife

  11. I just found another SWAT theme
    it is produced by Starmerry (I know I know.....) anybody had minifigs from this guys?
    The link it is here :

    1. i found a few set sold near my house.. but the price is toooooooooooooo expensive. one set is equivalent to 3 normal set that i usually bought. i think i will wait the price drop a little =p

    2. how bout this one?


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. the 2'nd figure from top row is crying ? :)) :)) :))

  13. but beside the price ...if you had the chance to touch them : how it is the quality of the set ? how it is the plastic etc?how are the accessories ?

  14. The lady is Ronda Rousey. SY base the characters from #EX3, Somehow SY made most of the hair black (Arnold's as well), hence it got us guessing..

    1. hey there... thanks for your comment =). i just update her name in my post above. thanks a lot!! =)

  15. Right, you guys who are buying minifigs from this set for specific weapons (M82 sniper rifle in my case), should take note.

    The weapons shown on the box is NOT what is in the box. For instance I was after the M82 sniper rifle so when I look at the weapons on the box, I bought Statham and the guy-with-the-cap. But I got 2 x PSRs instead to my disappointment.

    If you want specific weapons, save the pic from this blog post and refer to it before buying. Weapons shown on the box is wrong info. This blog post is the right info.

    1. @apodistagon, i think you just saved us all. im going to remark your advice in my post above =). thanks buddy

    2. Only those who are buying them for specific weapons will be annoyed.

      The toyshop I regularly shop is kind enough to let me swap. I get my correct weapons and two lucky customers will get the correct weapon shown on the box.

  16. @steven, yeah its arnold schwarzenegger, then mel gibson, and dolph lundgren, @feishin, youre right its ronda rousey, that is her hair,

    1. Hey thanks! I just update their name in my post above. finally, a closure for me too. ahhaha

  17. I think that I am a little cursed because I receive this set today but without minifig. for Mel Gibson + Terry Crews .The bright side it is that I receive all weapon packs and this is the draft and again a 25% discount

    1. whatttttttt??????? omg, im so sorry to hear that. is it with the same seller from last time you receive the missing/damage parts?

      the minifig should be sealed in separate plastic packaging. I cant believe the seller carelessly repeat the mistake =(.

      but 25% refund is good =))))

  18. This time it was different store (but on aliexpressIi think all the stores are the same seller) .On the other side to be frankly my big draft was the weapon rack not the minifigure :)))
    Related complains, I have a big complain rate , but on the other hand I am fare and I ask reasonable discounts adapted to each situation

  19. Terry Crews wear this outfit when in Ex3:, not matching for the outfit of the minifigure above. There are throwing knifes on the printing of the minifigure, Wesley Snipes are knife thrower.


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