
Friday, 5 December 2014

New version of Lego Brand Retail Store 40145

How many of you guys already have this set? It's Lego Brand Retail Store set  number 3300003, a promotional give away at Lego store grand opening. It's free with certain amount of purchase required (USD35?) but limited for first few hundred customer per store.

You can get it around USD100 (without postage) on ebay or source the parts from Bricklink at maybe 2/3 the cost? Mine cost RM200 (USD58) with 100% same and exact parts used. I can get it lower if i use alternate parts (different color for some parts) but i want to make it perfect that's why the higher cost.
printscreen of item listed on ebay

Last 2 weeks i read news on Brickset that Lego might issue new version of Lego store model (set number 40145), that will be a giveaway for new Lego stores opening in 2015 onwards (3300003 has been a giveaway since 2012).

source: Brickset

I order parts needed for the new set and cost me a little extra compared to 3300003 and that's not even 100% accurate parts used in the instructions. Turn out this little part : Modified 1 x 2 White Brick with stud on 1 side is kinda rare and new parts at the moment. 

If i read the info correctly, Lego has that part in Black, Dark Bluish Gray, Dark Gray, Light Bluish Gray, and Red too but white color can only be found from 2014 set, Shell Station polybag. (correct at the moment when i published this post, Dec 5,2014) Lowest price for 1 single brick is USD1.98?????!!!! This new Lego Store 40145 use 7 pieces of this white brick so plus minus i might need  to incur another USD20 to make it 100% according to Lego instructions. 

i might replace them if the price is not so expensive

I love this new set because its proportion to minifigure size.
Custom Lego Jean Grey for scale =p


  1. Where did you order those bricks? How much did the new Lego store cost overall?

    1. Hi @apodistagon.i source them from bricklink. Cost me roughly RM230 in total from 4 diff source. Sadly 1/4 of the cost is actually for postage. If only we can source them from local Pick A Brick but thats not gonna happen. =(

    2. Can you share which 4 source

    3. hi @kingkong. im sorry but i can't remember which store in bricklink i ordered those part from =(.

  2. Is local PAB very limited in the number of brick choices?

    I never had the opportunity to go PAB. Trips to KL has always been very busy.

    Too bad I'm in Ipoh man. If not we can share postage. There's always somethng I need from bricklink sources.

    1. Yeah, IMHO, its not worth at all if you make a trip just to visit Legoland Johor to buy lego set or brick from PAB section. The parts is super limited. You may check them online =

      Not sure if PAB section inside lego store in KL will have more variety but i dont think they have as much as we can get from Bricklink. =)

  3. Got any links on the instruction for the Lego Store 40145. I want to build one but can't seem to find the instruction online. Thanks

    1. here you go =)

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