
Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Lego Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TMNT - Original vs Knock Off

This is mine. Original lego figure that cost me about RM400 (USD123) to collect them all in one shot.
i should have used stair type display case
Shortly after, knock off version come out.. but i missed them because i really don't bother imitation lego at that time. but yesterday i found them again, so i grab a set - as usual they come in set of 8.

Unboxing them...

To cut long story short.. here's all the knock off figure with the accessories =)

I took a few pictures to compare them side by side with the original that i have.
Top - Sheng Yuan's , bottom - original
For these individual comparison, the original lego is on the right, and Sheng Yuan is on the left. Main different is the leg assembly.

The hardest part is to identify the accessories. They are too small for us to find word "Lego" on them. maybe the use of magnifying glass will help.

meanwhile, when batman is having holiday with cat woman...


  1. Well, maybe the biggest quality difference is the back of the turtles' headbands !

    1. hi thanks for visiting my blog. Oh gosh, how can i miss that. That's actually major difference.. Thanks =)

  2. I think Sheng Yuan has updated their figures for this. I just bought a box of SY here in Korea, and the foot soldier is basically identical to the one on the right (darker color print) and shredder's face is identical to Lego's version.

    1. Wow, thanks for the info. I do notice SY fixed the leg. Very lucky to those who buy the later batch =)

  3. Raphael bootleg looks Hilarious

    1. hehe, i don't have the exact same figure to compare at this time when i took the photos =)

  4. Thank you for posting this, I had to look for the details to be sure my minifigs were original. It helped me a lot.


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