
Thursday, 30 January 2014

How to make weapon from Lego

Wow, why i choose that for my post title. Ahahaha. =)

Yesterday i received the last parcel that i need to complete Lego Sniper Rifle. I found the instruction on how to make it from Youtube. The original designer/creator is infectedbear and you can visit his youtube page here

Total of at least 1,200 lego pieces will be used and i spent roughly RM600++ for all these part inclusive postage that i source mostly from Germany and Poland =)
sometimes i received that gummybear in my parcel. so nice of that seller =)
Initially i don't want to write about this sniper rifle before i already completed one but i believe it will take me some time to build it. The exact video for the instruction is here and you can find the instruction in LDD (Lego Digital Designer) at the description.

Wish me luck, guys. hope i can build it =)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good luck from me :) (I am bear, but not infected, because it is a different profile). It was my favourite rifle

  3. Hey thanks for the support. I really need it. =)

    For me its like love at first sight. I immediately choose this one from all available rifle.

  4. gosh, you are the original creator of this masterpiece is it??! I'm honoured!

    1. Hey there Legostore.My! I have a question: Where do you buy so many LEGO Parts? On BrickLink its very difficult to buy so much parts. (I also want to build this Sniper Rifle and dont want to buy them all at BrickLink. Please help me. =)

  5. I've been hunting down some not too bad stuff on the subject and haven't had any fortunes up until this point, You just got another greatest fan!.. Tactical Carbine Training


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